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Latest Information Updates


Booms will be in place downstream of Baits Bite Lock on 31st January, 5th February and 7th February. Moorings downstream of the lock are also closed effective today until further notice. This is to enable essential works at Baits Bite Lock.

Please follow the link here to see latest updates on tree works.

The Inland Waterways Association ‘IWA’s ’ concerns for The Conservancy’s lack of funding


The IWA has expressed concern for The Conservancy’s financial situation, whilst campaigning for adequate broader funding for Britain’s navigable rivers and canals. Please follow the link to read the whole article.

Further information on broader IWA campaigning is available here.

Temporary Closure of Baits Bite Lock and Jesus Lock In Place

Follow link to the Lock Islands 2024 page for further information and FAQ's

Clayhithe 48 hour visitor mooring - partial closure

Update: 21/05/2024

A gap has been identified between the bank and concrete caping along the revetments at the 48 hour mooring . The visitor mooring is therefore partially closed at the upstream end, to ensure public safety.

Vegetation growth along  the towpath between Clayhithe and Baits Bite Lock.
Update: 25/07/2024

 The County Council has cut the grass between these locations, however there is still some overhanging vegetation. All towpath users should exercise care when using this section of the towpath, and especially cyclists.

Anglian Water Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project - Update 12/04/2024

The public Planning Examination is now drawing to a close, the remaining related dates related to the examination of the draft Development Consent Order (DCO), presented by the applicants, Anglian Water are:

  • Deadline 7 is 12/04/2024.

  • The expected finish date 17/04/2024

The results of the examination will then be returned to the government by the Examining Authority with their recommendations for a final decision.

Please see below links to websites for more detailed information, including recent transcripts and recordings of the public hearings.

Anglian Water:

Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project – About The Project (

Planning Inspectorate:

Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation - Project information (

It is anticipated that the proposed relocation will impact the navigation as highlighted below:

  • The construction phase, which will involve some temporary restrictions to the navigation.

  • The operation of the outlet, it is anticipated that the impact will be minimal.

  • Any necessary maintenance work in the year's to follow, this will likely involve temporary restrictions to the navigation.


The Conservancy is also working to ensure that any powers granted to Anglian Water in the fulfilment of this project are no more than are necessary. 

Anglian Pass for 2024


For consideration when renewing your Anglian Pass for 2024. Please note that an emergency closure is currently in effect at Salters Lode Lock due to siltation issues within the Great Ouse Tidal River between Salters Lode and Denver Locks. For details, refer to the MLC emergency closure notice.

Until the siltation matter is resolved, you may not be able to fully utilize your Anglian Pass. However, visits between the Great Ouse and Cam, as well as visits between the Nene and Middle Level, remain possible. For details,  please refer to the EA Navigation notices at:: Great Ouse & Tributaries | Visit Anglian Waterways

Annual Boat Registration

The 1st of April to the 31st of March the following year represents the registration period for all boats/vessels that  use the River Cam. River users should be aware that to use a vessel on the navigation without a valid licence representing the vessels annual registration, is a breach to the Conservancy Byelaws. The byelaw requirements for this are set out in our byelaws section 8. Registration of Boats. Please ensure your vessels are appropriately registered.

For applications and further information please visit our Boat Registration page or click here.




Visiting Vessels
Please ensure that if you are visiting the Cam in a powered boat that you already hold an Anglian Pass.
Details of the Anglian Pass may be found on the following website page:

It should be noted that there are no Visitors Passes or Visitor registrations other than the Anglian Pass. Vessels visiting for event participation should contact the Event Organiser for details regarding accessing the Conservancy  navigation.

Click this link for information on the 2024/25 Licence Fees
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